
By Sarah Buckley 

Fibromyalgia is consuming me

Less of me I’m beginning to see

It is slowly consuming my soul

Pulling me into a deep dark hole

Pain that is always there 

I can feel it everywhere

I battle on, I’ve got to win

My struggle is deep within 

Trying to get back to normality 

But pulled back to an unhappy reality 

I can no longer do all I used to do

Medication is what sees me through 

Netflix is now my friend 

And hot water bottles are a god send

Music helps to soothe my mind

Some happiness I do find

Reading helps me escape somewhere

It can take me on a journey anywhere 

Lost in some magical place 

Forget about everything I have to face

But I won’t give up the fight 

Hope is there burning bright 

I will find an end to this

My old self I so miss

Like a Phoenix I will rise

After the the pain and torment dies

New beginnings I will see

Fibromyalgia no longer controlling me. 


Fibromyalgia-Related Conditions


8 Things I Haven't Told My Family and Friends About Being Chronically Sick